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| Schools

Be part of World Heritage Network means:

- Be part of an interconnected international community for World Heritage.
- Know, value and disseminate the cultural, natural and immaterial heritage of humanity.

- Develop socio-emotional skills and competences.
- Working on values such as global citizenship, peace, respect, sustainability and social responsibility.
- Working on innovation, technologies and creativity.
- Develop your own heritage education methodology.



  • Twinning program between schools and companies.

  • Institutional communication kit and school visibility on social media.

  • Curator of World Heritage content and virtual and face-to-face meetings of educators on good practices.

  • Benefits and discounts on trips to discover the World Heritage.

  • Exclusive projects for schools about World Heritage.

  • Amazonic Bags Project for the preservation of the Amazon.

Discover the schools that are part of the World Heritage Network:




IES Andrés de Vandelvira

CIFP Tecnológico Industrial

Escuela de Arte de Albacete

Colegio Ecuatoriano Español América Latina

Colégio Santa Maria de Minas

CEPA La Victoria de Valladolid

CEIP Constitución Española

CEIP Eduardo Sanchiz

CEIP Santiago Apóstol

CEIP Duque de Alba

CRA Sierra de Alcaraz

CEIP Martínez Parras

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